I am currently beyond stressed by my life. My friend and I are going through the whole apartment hunting process, which has been a nightmare and, as of right now, continues to be the bane of my existence. I can't even get into it without writing a novel on the subject and detailing every email sent between Kathleen/me and our agent/condo.
On top of that ordeal, I'm the Maid of Honor for my best friend, and her bachelorette party and bridal shower-- which I'm singlehandedly planning AND paying for-- is this weekend (Friday & Sunday). PLUS my fellow admin front-desk superhero (we have super glamorous jobs... not.) is out for 3 days to attend her brother's graduation from basic training, which means I'm taking on her responsibilities as well as my own.
This is one of those weeks where I'm genuinely losing sleep, which doesn't happen too often to me. It's hard to fall asleep, I wake up a couple times throughout the night, and then all I can think all day long is everything that's weighing on me. While I'm in the shower, doing my makeup, at my work desk, trying to read on the L, watching TV with the roommates-- literally all I'm doing is worrying. Not good.
Anyway... Back to the moving process.
Since I'm not sure how much longer I'll be living at my current apartment, I've decided to try and use up all the food in my pantry/fridge/freezer instead of going to the grocery store. That means having to get really creative with my meals.
After going back and forth (and back and forth) between my freezer and my pantry, I decided to do stir-fry. I grabbed sweet baby peas, cauliflower and heat-n-serve beef strips from the freezer and threw them in a nonstick skillet with a good amount of teriyaki and some garlic. Meanwhile, I boiled some whole-wheat rotini pasta from the pantry until it was a few minutes shy of al dente and then tossed it into the skillet with the rest of my masterpiece.
It was a tasty way to use up a few ingredients that I would've otherwise had to throw away by the time moving day arrived!